BlackStockTheme RRO Layers v1.0.9
Requirements: Android 5.0+

The theme has been tested on Android M2 and M3, Cataclysm ROM (hybrid AOSP/Stock ROM) and Minimal OS ROM (AOSP).
Themed elements:
-AOSP Contacts** ;
-AOSP Dialer;
-AOSP Keyboard;
-AOSP Launcher;
-Documents/Download UI;
-Google Chrome;
-Google Contacts** ;
-Google Dialer;
-Google Keep;
-Google Keyboard;
-Google Hangouts v4: download latest hangouts here ;
-Google Launcher/Now;
-Google Mail;
-Google Messenger;
-Google Play Music;
-Google Play Store;
-Google Translate;
-Nova Launcher's searchbar;
-Package Installer;
-WhatsApp: "ChatOnly" style themes only the stuff inside the chats, "Full" one themes also conversations list, settings, actionbar and statusbar.
Choose the one you prefer.
Layers Black theme stock Marshmallow Android 6 6.0
What's New
-Fixed Google Chrome colors
-Removed the top white stripe in Hangouts
-Fixed crashes when uninstalling overlays
More Info:
Download Instructions: