
Hide Pictures - Hide it Pro Apk Full v4.3 Ad-Free + Plugins

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Hide Pictures - Hide it Pro Apk Full v4.3 Ad-Free + Plugins

Hide Pictures - Hide it Pro v4.3 (Ad-Free + Plugins)
Features in Detail

1.) App disguised behind a fully functional Audio Manager
2.) Categorize media into folders of your choice
3.) Batch(Multi-Select) support for hiding and unhiding pictures
4.) Delete/Share/Unhide/Move pictures between albums
5.) Sort files by date/size/name and sort folders by count/name
6.) Gallery features Pinch to Zoom , Double tap to zoom , One finger hold and move zoom
7.) Slideshow with Fade, Zoom, Swipe effects
8.) Send/Share pictures
9.) Special optimization for low end phones.
10.) Video player features play/pause/forward/rewind/next video/prev video support
11.) Disappears from recent apps list
12.) Two lock screen options viz Pin and Password
13.) Escape pin/password for times when you get caught
14.) Built in encryption tool(with military standard 256-bit AES encryption) to secure your most important files
15.) Plugins for features like Private Messaging / Calls , Private Browsing , Locking Apps.
There are a lot more features like custom slideshow durations/slideshow order/effects , custom folder thumbnails etc. but i'll leave some of the secrets of the app to be discovered by the users ;)
Complete Help : http://bit.ly/droidit
Please email me if you have any issues , If the app doesn't install properly do a reinstall , that would solve 99% the problems , for rest just shoot me an email
Have ideas to improve the app , please do not hesitate to send us your thoughts

Permissions Explained :
>> INTERNET , READ_PHONE_STATE - for advertisements
>> WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE - for functioning of the app
>> GET_TASKS , KILL_BACKGROUND_TASK -- for hidden apps part
>> SET_WALLPAPER -- setting wallpaper in gallery


Added SWAP - Secret WhatsApp

This app has no advertisements

Hide Pictures - Hide it Pro v4.3Hide Pictures - Hide it Pro v4.3 (Ad-Free + Plugins)
Hide Pictures - Hide it Pro v4.3Hide Pictures - Hide it Pro v4.3

   Download Apk:
                          Hide Pictures - Hide it Pro v4.3 Apk

   For more information details:
                     Google Play Store
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